The Price Is Right Triggers Dogs and Causes Contagious Laughter! 🐶 😆

Two dogs reacting hilariously to The price is right theme song. This Shih Tzu and bully pit Howell and bark every time the theme music plays when I’m watching the price is right the Barker area on Roku TV. #ThePriceIsRight #ShihTzu #BullyPit

If you Pay close attention, it seems like the older dog which is a pitbull and American bulldog mix box because she is annoyed with a much younger two-year-old Shih Tzu who howls at the theme music when it plays on the price is right.

🔹 Why do dogs howl at certain music?
 Dogs howl at music for several reasons. It could be an instinctual behavior that dogs use to communicate with each other over long distances. Some dogs may howl at music to seek attention or express their excitement, while others may howl in response to music that they find pleasing or soothing. Additionally, certain types of music may be associated with specific experiences or events for the dog, causing them to howl as a response. The specific reason for a dog howling at music may vary based on the dog’s personality, experiences, and environment.

🔸 If a song is making a dog howl, should the music be turned off? Is the music hurting or harming the dog?

If a dog is howling in response to music, it is not necessarily an indication that the music is hurting the dog. As I mentioned earlier, dogs may howl at music for a variety of reasons, including as an instinctual behavior or as a response to certain emotional or environmental factors. However, if the dog’s howling is accompanied by signs of distress, such as pacing, panting, or whimpering, it may be a sign that the music is causing the dog discomfort or anxiety.

In general, it’s a good idea to monitor your dog’s behavior when playing music and to adjust the volume or type of music if you notice any signs of distress. If the dog’s howling persists despite changes in the music or volume, it may be a good idea to consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist to rule out any underlying health or behavioral issues.

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