Pso-Rite Review

PLEASE NOTE: When I filmed and edited this video, I  had little no knowledge at all about what the PSO-RITE is or what it’s supposed to do. I just kind of winged it and tried it out. I am aware I was using it incorrectly. After this video was published, I did more research and, while I still feel like $79.99 is a bit much for this muscle tool, I do think it can be very effective for the right person.

I’m excited to present to you this Pso-Rite Review. My gym added the Pso-Rite to the selection of workout and exercise gadgets available in the stretch area. What you will see in this video is someone who has never heard of the Pso-Rite or even seen one. I try to use the Pso-Rite without any knowledge of what it is designed for or how to use it. So, if you’re wondering if the Pso-Rite is good or if the Pso-Rite works, you can find out by listening to me talking over the video footage.

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