List of Free or Nearly Free Prepaid Wireless SIM Kits and Trials.

This is how and where to get free prepaid talk, text, data and SIM cards.

Last Updated 02/17/2023.
(Newest Found Offers Are At The Top)

For various reasons, I often search for free SIM card kits for my locked and unlocked phones. Many times, prepaid cellular service providers will offer free trials to use their service that include an allotment of talk, text, and/or data to sample their service. Other times, you can procure a SIM card starter kit + service for $0.00-$10.00. What I find is listed below . YMMV.

(Added 02/16/2023)
FreedomPop “Freemium” Plan + SIM CARD KIT, $10.00.
I’m adding this one because of the benefit that follows after a nominal investment of $10.00. Each month, the FreedomPop “Freemium” plan allots 10 minutes of calls, 10 text messages, 25mb data, and unlimited WiFi calling for $0.00/month. This is a good option for anyone just looking for an extra phone number to anonymously verify accounts with of your keep in an emergency phone.

T-Mobile Hotspot Test Drive, $0.00, gets you a 30-day trial (max 30GB of data use) AND a hotspot device for FREE! You simply plug in the device, read the instruction manual, and connect your devices.
* I’ve used this trial and in rural Georgia is worked amazingly well (T-Mobile is the only wireless provider out here with cell tower frequencies offering upper speeds of 4G LTE). Receiving the device was a bit of a waiting game.

(added 02/16/2023)
Straight Talk Phone SIM kit, $0.99.
Verizon Compatible Phone SIM Kit.


Tracfone Bring-Your-Own-Phone Prepaid Sim Card Kit (Universal), $0.99.

* At the time of this post, Tracfone had a promo for prepaid subscribers to pay for two months of service on auto-pay, get your third month free.

Mint Mobile “SEE FOR YOURSELF KIT“ 7-DAY, RISK-FREE TRIAL, $0.00. Kit includes 250MB 5G or 4G LTE Data, 250 texts, 250 minutes, 3-in-1 SIM card. $0.00.


Boost Mobile 99¢ Phone Service Trial: 30 Days Of Data, Talk, & Text, FREE SIM Kit ($9.99 value), 50% OFF 2-Day Shipping, $0.99.
* Shipping can cost upwards of $5.00 for this deal. In my opinion, a great value because you get the SIM kit and 1 free month of full text, talk, and data service + with the BoostOne App, you can get free service refills every month.

PureTalk SIM kit and free trial of wireless service, $0.99. Includes Trial SIM kit lasts 7 days and comes with 100 minuntes, 100 texts, and 100 MB data.
Contact Customer Service to request greet trial and SIM kit via phone at 1-877-820-7873 or use the contact form at the bottom of this page,


StandUp Wireless free SIM kit and 30-days of service, $0.00. Includes includes 5 GB of High-Speed Data with Unlimited Talk, Text and 5GB Data.

Also, take a look into qualifying for the government sponsored Affordable Connectivity Program.

Also, look into the Lifeline Program. This is another publicly funded service which provides basic phones and plans for free for qualifying US citizens. Many call this “Obama phone.”


Why would someone want a second mobile phone number?

There are several reasons why you might want to get an extra mobile phone number. Here are a few:

  1. Privacy: You may want to keep your personal number private for security or privacy reasons. For example, if you are selling items online or using a dating app, you may not want to share your personal number with strangers.
  2. Business: If you have a small business, you may want to have a separate phone number for business calls to keep your personal and professional lives separate.
  3. International Calls: If you frequently make international calls, having a local phone number in that country can save you money on long-distance charges.
  4. Travel: If you are traveling to a different country, getting a local SIM card and phone number can make it easier and cheaper to stay connected while abroad.
  5. Multiple uses: You may want to have separate phone numbers for different purposes, such as one for personal use, one for work, and one for online shopping or social media.
  6. Convenience: Having a separate phone number can be convenient if you need to give out a temporary number for a short-term project or event, or if you want to have a separate number for your smartwatch or tablet.

Overall, having an extra mobile phone number can provide increased privacy, convenience, and flexibility in your personal and professional life.