Portable Fan Review – Best USB Rechargeable Portable Fan for baby strollers, camping and more!

My favorite portable fan has just been retired by this awesome rechargeable fan I boughton eBay from VersionTECH. I’m blown away! You can buy it on Amazon, here: www.amazon.com/VersionTECH-Stroller-Portable-Rechargeable-Traveling/dp/B07PMCNRTD

This portable fan is rechargeable via micro usb. It has a built-in, 2,000 mAh lithion ion battery. There are three speed settings, which all perform well. The max speed blows a lot of air. There’s pass-through power, which means you can keep the fan plugged in while using it (and it will charge slowly as well).

I could see this being used as an excellent baby stroller fan or as a desk fan to keep you cool while you’re working. This portable fan would make an excellent camping fan as long as you brought a portable power source with you like a powerbank or solar charger. You could definitely use this portable fan in your car as well! If you’re the type who likes to golf, but golfing in the summer heat isn’t enjoyable, you could use this as a golf cart fan to keep you cool. Back to camping, this would be nice as a tent fan to keep you cool as you try to sleep.

This is the link to the video I found of that girl showing us how to “front twerk.”

Mindy Combs’ Youtube Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCM5rCFcJIY9d9B51yQ_N8mQ

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