I made this McKay can crusher review to demonstrate what could be the best can crusher for recycling and making money. In this video, I show you our McKay can crusher instructions for installation on a wooden post on a patio. This can crushing tool was my choice for the best value among all of the Amazon can crushers for recycling. If you’re interested in crushing aluminum cans to condense their size for collection, I think you will agree with my review here. I show you how we installed it and how to use it which is really simple. Yes, this one is best operated as a can crusher that’s wall mounted, and the McKay can crusher works on 12 oz cans and 16 oz cans. We had some soda cans that were 12 ounces, and some 16 ounce beer cans.
At the end of the video, you will see what I consider a defect that’s easy to fix.
You can buy this can crusher here:
If you have any questions about how to install this can crusher I bought from Amazon, or how to fix it or maintain it, leave a comment and I will be sure to reply.
If you’re wondering how much aluminum cans are worth, we can get paid approximately $0.33/pound of cans. If you’re wondering how many aluminum cans make a pound, it will be approximately 30-35 cans per pound.