Turtle Wax Ice Snow Foam Review – Hybrid Bubble Gum

In this Turtle Wax Ice Snow Foam Review, we going to see if this budget snow foam wash can hold a candle to the most popular snow foam on the market, honey dew snow foam by chemical guys. The scent, which I’m not sure why automotive detailing product manufacturers add to their cleaning products, is Bubble Gum.
I purchased the 48 ounce jug of Turtle Wax Ice Snow Foam from AutoZone. If you’re wondering how much Turtle Wax Ice Snow foam car wash liquid costs, I paid less than $15.00. And that’s a convenient, in-store purchase at my local auto parts store. in comparison, the Chemical Guys CWS_110_16 Honeydew Snow Foam Car Wash Soap and Cleanser costs $9.99, on Amazon, for 16 ounces. That means, to equal the amount of turtle wax 50990 ice snow foam car wash I bought, you would have to buy three of them.

48 ounces of Ice Snow Foam = $14.99
48 ounces of Chemical Guys Honey Dew Snow Foam = $29.97

Not only is the Chemical Guys snow foam more expensive, you’d also have to wait for delivery. Without factoring in performance, the Turtle Wax Snow Foam already comes out as the much better value. The labels on each of these snow foam options make identical claims. For instance, both snow foams boat PH-Balanced and safe on wax as well as the claim to produce rich foam with conditioners. To dispense this auto detailing product, I’m not using a turtle wax ice foam cannon. I am using a Driver’s Choice foam cannon which was also purchased from AutoZone.

Now, we need to go to the turtle wax ice snow foam wash review video I made to see the performance.

And here are some helpful links:
Turtle Wax Ice Snow Foam Hybrid on their official site:
Turtle Wax Ice Snow Foam on AutoZone.com: