Is sleeping in an unlocked car breaking and entering? Are you thinking about sleeping in an unlocked car? Do you want to know if sleeping in an unlocked car is illegal? Is it considered trespassing if you open the door to an unlocked car and sleep in it? And keep in mind it does not matter if you sleep in an unlocked car, truck, SUV or any other type of vehicle.
Sleeping in unlocked cars, out of necessity or for fun, should be done with at least a little concern and consideration for the car’s owner. What we are going to see here is how the local homeless, vagrants, junkies and prostitutes disrespect a vehicle that I’m trying to sell. I wish I had footage of all the junk and spoiled food I’d pulled out of this vehicle the day before. This is not how to sleep in unlocked cars. Now that I’m becoming more aware of what’s going on around me, I know more signs to look for when trying to spot a person who will be trying to sleep in an unlocked car or an abandoned car. This car is what I guess you could consider a mid-size car. It’s a 2007 Hyundai Sonata. Someone or some people were sleeping, eating and using the bathroom in this car.
I found a pringles can with some chips still in it, chicken bones from grocery store deli department chicken wings, water bottles filled with urine, Gatorade bottles used as a pee bottle, napkins, clothing cigarillo wrappers, and Swisher Sweets wrappers. Thankfully, at least inside this car, I didn’t find any syringes or crack pipes. Near the vehicles, I did find capped and uncapped syringes. What I found the most of were ants.
We decided to leave this car’s doors open to let it air out because the stench of body odor was strong enough to hit you in the face and knock you down. If you’re going to be sleeping in cars, bring a plastic bag in there with you. Show some kind of appreciation for the temporary shelter you found. Put your trash in a bag and discard it in a trash can during your next journey. Why be considerate when you’re sleeping in an unlocked car? Well, for me the difference between me calling the police and not calling the police could be if you trashed my property or not.