Why is Kyle Rittenhouse not trending on Google?

Don’t you find it strange, that after Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted on all charges, NOT GUILTY, Google removes his name from their lists of trending and recommended searches? It would appear the lefties at Google weren’t fans of this White young man not having his life ruined simply because he defended himself.

After being found not-guilty on all charges, is Google suppressing news about Kyle Rittenhouse? Why would the search term “Kyle Rittenhouse” not be trending on Google right now? What would be the reason for Google to be hiding the current popularity of the name Kyle Rittenhouse being entered as a search right now? If you look on any other major search engine or trending topics resource, you will see Kyle Rittenhouse is the most popular topic of all in many categories.

Is this what many call “fake news?” Would you consider the largest hub and resource for information (Google) hiding the most popular topic on the internet in the United States and possibly in the world to be information manipulation? Do you think Google is hiding news? And if Google is doing this on purpose, do you think it’s because American freedoms don’t fit their agenda?

#Google #KyleRittenhouse #InformationManipulation