What To Do If Your Water Gets Shut Off? My Water Got Disconnected.

Has your water ever been disconnected? My municipal water to my house has been cut off before and it got shut off today.
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Today, my water got disconnected by city workers for two reasons. Thankfully, the reason why my water was turned off was not because of a delinquent payment. The reason my water was shut off was because there is work being done to the main city water pipes in my neighborhood and they were distributing door hangers notifying residents of a boil water advisory.

Thankfully, I’m prepared for my water to be cut off for any reason. Living in southern Louisiana, a hurricane can hit at any time. And in my case, a financial hardship can hit at anytime. The best thing you can do to get through your municipal water to your home being shut off is to be prepared. Personally, I keep 5-10 gallons (minimum) of extra water on-hand. I refill water and soda jugs from my faucet when I do have water. Saving tap water for when your water gets disconnected can help you to come up with a plan for how you will get your bill paid up and get your water reconnected. Tap water saved in this way will last for about 6 months. The water is probably not safe for consumption after 6 months of sitting.

Let’s talk about some questions you may have if your water gets disconnected for a late bill or you have a pending disconnect because of a past due bill. If at all possible, always pay your utility bills in advance and keep them current. A reconnect for a utility is expense.

▪ Is there a penalty for turning water on after shut off?

In all likelyhood, yes. Yes, there will be a penalty imposed for your water getting turned off. In my case, I incurred two separate charges for having my water turned back on. There was a reconnect fee and an additional service charge fee.

▪ How can you get water turned back on after hours?
I’m not sure you can get your water turned back on after hours. I believe you need to wait for the city works to start their business day which is usually around 8AM. In the event of an emergency, there is likely a 24 hour number you can call. Keep in mind you will probably have to qualify to receive an after hours worker to come turn your water back on.

▪ Can they shut your water off if you have a baby?
In some cities and counties, children, sick, elderly and handicapped people can be exempt from having their water disconnected. To avoid your water being shut off because of a past due bill, you will have to meet qualifications. Keep in mind your balance won’t disappear and will continue to grow. You may find it difficult to move to a new residence in your area because the water provider is usually a monopoly.

▪ How does the city turn off your water?
First, you will receive a disconnect notice. On the day of disconnect, you’ll likely see a man on a truck come by with a long, proprietary wrench to close the valve that delivers water to your home.

▪ Can I turn it back on?
It’s likely illegal for you to turn your water off after it has been disconnected by the city or water company. Can you turn your water back on? Yes. Should you turn your water back on? No.

▪ How do I turn it back on?
To turn your water back on after a disconnect, you need to pay your bill and get your account in good standing. If you’d like to commit a crime, you need to figure out how to open the valve again. This would be illegal.

▪ Help my water got shut off.
Talk to the city or water company and see if they will be willing to help you through your financial hardship so you can get your water turned on. Search for local charities and assistance organizations who may be able to help you monetarily so you can get your water turned back on.

▪ My water just got shut off.
You need to get your water turned back on by paying your bill. Contact the water company to find out the exact amount they need to turn your water back on. If you’re having trouble paying your water bill, you need to contact family, friends, neighbors or local charities and assistance organizations to see if you have any financial help available.

What have we learned about what to do if your water gets shut off? Be prepared!

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