PET Ice Cream Review. (Neapolitan and Chocolate Moose Track)

I’d never heard of PET brand ice cream before, which if why I had to make this pet ice cream review!

Apparently, PET has been around for almost 100 years and makes all kinds of dairy products. In this video, I review two flavors: Neapolitan and Chocolate Moose Tracks.

From the Website:
“For more than 80 years, PET® dairy products have been produced fresh from dairies in the southeastern United States. What started as a simple way to preserve milk has blossomed into a full range of wholesome dairy offerings the whole family can enjoy. It’s why we like to say, “Your favorites. Your Dairy. PET.”

Learn more about Pet Neapolitan Ice Cream, including nutrition facts, here:
Learn more about Pet Chocolate Moose Tracks Ice Cream, including nutrition facts, here:

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