I didn’t realize these drones delivering groceries were really a thing. I wonder if they do a better job than humans.
I’ll sometimes use a privacy card and burner number to sign up for a Walmart+ trial. This is when I spotted some clearance items I want delivered or if there’s some kind of bonus available exclusive to W+ members.
Some food items from the store are part of free shipping but get same day delivered from the nearest location (as opposed to needing to be a slot scheduled $35+ grocery order). I was curious to see if they’d deliver a single jar of pickles to my house for free (the same day). They did. But not to my house even though it does show up on gps and I have large numbers on my mailbox and on the house. They send a photo of the delivery, and the porch doesn’t look like any of the houses near me.
The Indian with customer service sent out another jar and it did get to me. Pretty incredible. It would be even more incredible seeing a drone dropping off a head of lettuce.