Are Eggs Bad If They FLOAT or SINK?

I had to research are eggs bad if they float or sink because I had this half dozen carton of eggs in the refrigerator but the expiration date was rubbed off of it. With the date on the carton too faded away to read, I researched ways to tell if eggs are bad. The egg float test seems to be one of the easiest and most popular ways to test the freshness of eggs, so that’s exactly what I did.
In this video, you will see me fill up a large glass measuring cup then drop in each egg, one at a time, to see if they stand up or float. This is a common way to perform an eggs bad test and based on the infographic I looked at, bad eggs float and this is how to test if eggs are okay to use.

Spoiler: All of my eggs either stood straight up or almost wanted to start floating. I did not trust any of these eggs to be safe for human consumption, so I threw them all in the trash.

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