πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ YOU Might Be A BIGOT If You Don’t Use THIS BROWSER! – Why Microsoft Edge is better than Chrome!

Edge Pride Themes are all you need. If you’re looking for the best browser to use in 2021, the Microsoft Edge browser may have finally taken the lead!

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For decades, google searches flow in asking for a Google Chrome alternative and a Firefox alternative. I will show you in this video why I believe the Microsoft Edge Browser has finally taken the lead as the best browser available. This one feature, which I found during Pride Month, June 2021, has firmly planted Edge in the lead as the best browser on the internet. There’s nothing more important than having a LGBTQIA+ theme for your browser. Forget about ad blocking. Forget about page rendering. Forget about memory usage. Browsing is all about flags and rainbows, baby!

Download Microsoft Edge Browser Here: www.microsoft.com/en-us/edge
Edge Pride Themes Here: microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/pride/gpahbdchbfofplfeaeipcphhbdhdpnae
Pride Themes discussion on Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/asexuality/comments/np7211/microsoft_edge_update_has_a_tom_of_pride_themes/