Edge Pride Themes are all you need. If you’re looking for the best browser to use in 2021, the Microsoft Edge browser may have finally taken the lead!
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For decades, google searches flow in asking for a Google Chrome alternative and a Firefox alternative. I will show you in this video why I believe the Microsoft Edge Browser has finally taken the lead as the best browser available. This one feature, which I found during Pride Month, June 2021, has firmly planted Edge in the lead as the best browser on the internet. There’s nothing more important than having a LGBTQIA+ theme for your browser. Forget about ad blocking. Forget about page rendering. Forget about memory usage. Browsing is all about flags and rainbows, baby!
Download Microsoft Edge Browser Here: www.microsoft.com/en-us/edge
Edge Pride Themes Here: microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/pride/gpahbdchbfofplfeaeipcphhbdhdpnae
Pride Themes discussion on Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/asexuality/comments/np7211/microsoft_edge_update_has_a_tom_of_pride_themes/