VPX Black Pearl Review (Vasodilator and Libido Enhancer)

Back in 2007, when I recorded this review, the supplement industry was in an interesting place. While the FDA was coming down hard, supplement companies were getting as creative as possible. This was a game of cat and mouse that would lead to interesting products, with relatively untested and unknown supplements , flooding the market only to be taken off the shelves a short time later.

I put Black Pearl’s claims of increasing libido to the ultimate test. It was Black Pearl vs. visuals of a woman who would generally be considered undesirable. Was I able to get excited? Could a picture of a 400+lb. Stay Puff Marshmallow women get the, “blood pumping?” Watch the video to find out.

From the label:
UPC: 610764010759 Supplement Facts Serving Size 1 Can (8fl oz) (240 mL) Amount Per Serving % DV* Calories 0 0% Total Carbohydrates 0g 0% Sugars 0g 0% Total Fat 1g 1% Proprietary Blend less than 20% AEX (Arginine Ethyl Ester HCL) ** Vitex Agnus Castus ** Cnidium Monnier ** Di-Allyaldisulpide ** Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 378% Icariin ** Cistanches Extract ** Long Jack (Eurycoma Longifolia Jack) ** L-Norvaline ** Zinc Mono Methionine Aspartate 100% Yohimbine HCL ** *