Unprofessional Urologist leaves Disturbing Voicemail.

This was a really crude and unprofessional voicemail message left by my urologist.
#birthcontrol #vcf #urologist #HIPAAViolation #HIPAA #MedicalProfessionalism #Empathy #WTF #Urology #SafeSex #BadNews

The total lack of professionalism and empathy by Dr. Epstein made his delivery of this bad news even worse. In the sample, you can hear Dr. Epstein explain that he has found troubling results in my recent lab tests.

This clip was taken from a video I made about VCF birth control which is a film placed inside the woman which quickly dissolves and is used as a spermicide to kill any sperm that may find its way into the special part on a lady.

I just don’t know how someone can be so cold and lack any type of emotion delivering such news. And I’m not sure if it’s ethical or a violation of HIPAA to leave such results on a voicemail that could potentially be heard by anyone not just the believed owner of the phone or phone number.

How to use contraceptive film like VCF?

Contraceptive film is a thin, transparent sheet made of spermicide that can be inserted into the vagina before sex to prevent pregnancy. Here are the steps to properly use contraceptive film:
1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling the contraceptive film.
2. Remove the contraceptive film from its packaging and hold it between your thumb and forefinger.
3. Find a comfortable position to insert the contraceptive film into your vagina. Some women prefer to insert it while lying down or squatting.
4. Use your other hand to spread your labia apart and locate your vaginal opening.
5. Gently insert the contraceptive film into your vagina as far back as possible. You can use your finger to push it in further if necessary.
6. Once the contraceptive film is in place, you should wait at least 15 minutes before having sex. This will allow the spermicide to dissolve and spread throughout your vagina.
7. After sex, leave the contraceptive film in place for at least six hours before removing it.
8. To remove the contraceptive film, wash your hands thoroughly and insert your finger into your vagina. Hook your finger around the edge of the film and gently pull it out.
9. Discard the used contraceptive film in the trash. Do not flush it down the toilet.
It’s important to note that contraceptive film should be used in combination with other forms of contraception, such as condoms or hormonal birth control, for maximum effectiveness. Additionally, it should not be used as a standalone method of preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

What does a urologist do?

A urologist is a medical specialist who focuses on diagnosing and treating conditions related to the urinary tract system and male reproductive system. They diagnose and treat various urinary tract problems, perform surgeries, treat male infertility and erectile dysfunction, screen for and diagnose prostate cancer, provide guidance and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, and treat urinary incontinence and other urinary problems. Urologists work in private practice, hospitals, or clinics, and collaborate with other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care to patients.

What are the risks involved with using only contraceptive film during intercourse?

Using only contraceptive film during intercourse carries a risk of pregnancy as it is not as effective as other forms of contraception. Additionally, it does not provide protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It should be used in combination with other forms of contraception and safe sex practices to reduce the risk of pregnancy and STIs.

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I just don’t know how someone can be so cold and lack any type of emotion delivering such news. And I’m not sure if it’s ethical or a violation of HIPAA to leave such results on a voicemail that could potentially be heard by anyone not just the believed owner of the phone or phone number.

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