Putting My CD In The Store – Prank Call featuring a member of The Molly Ringwalds

This is another classic prank call from 2006-2007. Back in the mid-2000’s, music stores were still available and cd’s were still in demand. It wouldn’t be long before compact discs went the way of the horse and buggy, but they were still the most popular way to listen to music and for starving musicians to distribute their work. In this prank call, I am the starving musician and I want to check with the clerk to be sure it’s cool if I just drop off my cd’s there so people can pick them up and get exposed to my music. I even had some little stands ready and the cd cases had fake barcodes on the artwork.

I had called a cd store in the New Orleans, Louisiana area. I can’t quite remember which one it was, but I realised I hit the jackpot when the man who answered the phone was a member of The Molly Ringwalds. In case you’re unaware, The Molly Ringwald’s are an 80’s tribute band who got very, very popular right after this prank call. I’ve seen them in person, and they’re amazing. This guy who is on the phone with me said he plays keyboard and sings fnor The Molly Ringwalds. I don’t know what his name is, but I’m hoping after some tweets to the band, we will find out who this is and if he’s still with the band. I must say this, this guy was one hell of a sport. He kept his cool the entire time and was willing to help as much as what I would consider to be reasonable.

Check out The Molly Ringwalds’ on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube:

Upcoming tour dates for The Molly Ringwalds:

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