Get Ready To Feel Marginalized. ♿️ ♿️

#ReceiptJar #Marginalized #Handicapable
If you’re like me, you like to spend ungodly amount of time scanning receipts in apps like #Fetch #ReceiptHog #iBotta and ReceiptJar. Each has their own quirks as well as benefits. I think the biggest offender is the #ReceiptJarApp

I say this because there are bonus “shakes” you can earn with the app. You achieve these bonuses when you have accumulated enough receipt scans in a given time period. The app requires you to physically shake your phone. And this isn’t some light little shake you have to perform. You must violently shake your phone back and forth to activate the bonus and proceed. Usually, this physical effort and risk of damaging your expensive smartphone is futile, as more often than not you will not win any bonus tokens.

What I was finding to be aggravating must pale in comparison to the quandary this puts peole in who have physical limitations. I really think the people behind the ReceiptJar app need to rethink how they offer this “bonus” to their users.

I wonder if this violates The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Would the #ADA be interested in looking into this? The U.S. Department of Justice enforces ADA regulations governing state and local government services (Title II) and public accommodations (Title III). Would the ability to use this app qualify as a violation? If you know the answer to this question, please leave it in the comments. I don’t think it’s fair that there are more monetary gains available to those who don’t have a disability that would prevent them from shaking their phone.

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