UPDATE, 12/19/2021: So, did Bruce Springsteen ever move to Australia?? Australia is one of the first examples of first world countries going full on communist which sets a sad precedent for the rest of us. Hopefully not everyone in Australia turned their guns in so they can give this limp-wristed wiener the proper greeting he deserves.
it seems like Bruce Springsteen really was born to run as he threatens to move to Australia if Donald Trump wins re-election in 2020. this is just another washed-up celebrity trying to gain headlines by threatening to leave the country if their political party does not take office. as with most of these celebrities, and as evidenced in the 2016 election, none of them ever permanently move from the United States because there was no greater country than the United States. I’m calling Bruce Springsteen’s bluff right now. Bruce Springsteen will not move to Australia unless he is running from criminal charges that many Democrats seem to be facing which involve intergenerational relationships.