This video highlights the time AOC reminded us of Hillary Clinton when she put on a fake accent for votes. #AOC #Blaccent #Democrats
And why is it always the Liberals who do these kinds of embarrassing acts in hopes to pander who they perceive as their audience for a vote?
If you’re not familiar with the Hillary Clinton fake accent, it happened back in 2007 when she put on a fake southern drawl in Alabama. In 2007, Hillary Clinton was running for the Democratic nomination for the presidency. During a campaign stop in Selma, Alabama, she gave a speech in which she briefly adopted a southern accent, which some people criticized as inauthentic and pandering.
The incident was widely covered by the media, and some political analysts suggested that it could hurt Clinton’s campaign by reinforcing perceptions of her as insincere or calculating.
Clinton later defended her use of the accent, saying that she was simply trying to connect with the audience and show her respect for the local culture. However, the incident has remained a notable moment in her political career, and has been cited by some critics as evidence of her perceived lack of authenticity.
The more recent footage of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was at least equally embarrassing. She did it at an Al Sharpton event, which had a crowd that was a majority black. This was in 2019. And believe me, she hasn’t changed much since.
“I’m proud to be a bartender. Ain’t nothing wrong with that,” she said, drawing out some of the vowels. “There’s nothing wrong with working retail, folding clothes for other people to buy. There is nothing wrong with preparing the food that your neighbors will eat. There is nothing wrong with driving the buses that take your family to work.”
She added: “There is nothing wrong with being a working person in the United States of America, and there is everything dignified about it.”
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