ALL OF THIS FOR $1.42! Here’s how to eat when you’re broke.

Are you a struggling college student? A single mom having difficulties making ends meet? Maybe you’re a late-30’s man who just enjoys being thrifty. Well, Watch this video to see how dreams really can come true! Check out how much food (and extras) I was able to get for only $1.42!

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Things you’re going to need, but aren’t accounted for in the $1.42 include an smartphone capable of loading up the RaceTrac and Wendy’s apps. You also need a way to get to these places. I have a vehicle with its own expenses, but you can walk or bum a ride. Maybe ride your bike.

Here are some searches that will likely lead you here: Cheap Meals for When You’re Broke, how to get food when you don’t have money, cheap eats, cheap food, cheap meals, free food apps, free food wendy’s, free food racetrac